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Design Review 2 Project Goals

By this Design Review Checkpoint, we hope to complete a few goals that will bring us closer to the final product.

  • CAD model of iPhone 6 plus case

    • Design CAD model for a bumper case design that can be printed

    • Print out at least one copy of CAD model in Type A printer with a material of our choosing.

  • Obtain dummy model of iPhone 6 Plus to use in testing

    • Check for fit of printed case on iPhone 6 Plus dummy model

    • Mark places of good/bad fit on case model

  • Create preliminary drop test modeling

    • Calculate terminal velocity and force of impact as a function of drop height

    • Video track iPhone drop test on concrete in order to create position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk vs time graphs.

    • Use graphs to compare difference between with and without case drop tests.

  • Stated goal: Materials and process selection for up to three key components of your mechanism. Carry out your material/process selection with full-scale manufacturing in mind rather than prototyping.

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