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1) Type A print a mockup iPhone 6+ weighing 192 grams. This corresponds to an infill percentage of 62.8. 

2) Conduct control drop tests. Film the fall and impact with a slow motion camera, calculate kinetic and potential energy/ momentum. 

3) Relate material properties (density, elastic modulus, etc) to the falling velocity and if the attached screen breaks or not. 

4) In addition to drop tests, create a mathematical model to show where stress points are when the phone falls, and how material properties may affect the performance. 

  • Type A 3D

    • PLA

    • Experimental Materials

      • Manufacturer: Fenner Drive

        • Ninjaflex

      • Manufacturer: Proto-pasta

        • Carbon Fiber PLA

        • Magnetic Iron PLA

        • Conductive PLA

        • Stainless Steel PLA

      • Manufacturer: Taulman

        • Nylon 680

        • Bluprint (High Temp) 

  • Carbon 3D

    • Prototyping resin (PR 25) - General purpose prototyping resin. Cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and gray colors available and can be mixed. Requires UV curing after printing.

      • Ultimate tensile strength: 26 - 32 MPa

      • Elongation at break: 15 - 28%

      • Young's Modulus: 600 - 950 MPa

      • Impact Strength: 24 - 28 J/m

      • $0.26/ mL

    • Elastomeric Polyurethane (EPU60) - [price] High flexibility and moderate resilience

      • Ultimate tensile strength: 5 - 7 MPa

      • Elongation at break: 250 - 300%

      • Young's Modulus: 6 - 8 MPa

      • Durometer: 45 - 60A

      • $0.26

    • Flexible Polyurethane (FPU230) - [price] Impact and abrasion resistant

      • Ultimate tensile strength: 23 - 28 MPa

      • Elongation at break: 200 - 250%

      • Young's Modulus: 600 - 850 MPa

      • Impact Strength: 35 - 39 J/m

      • $0.26

    • Rigid Polyurethane (RPU70) - [price] Tough and heat resistant. Requires heat-curing after printing.

      • Ultimate tensile strength: 44 - 48 MPa

      • Elongation at break: 90 - 120%

      • Young's Modulus: 1800 - 2000 MPa

      • Impact Strength: 21 - 23 J/m

      • $0.52 

    • Cyanate Ester (CE 220) - [price] High temperature resistance, strength and stiffness

      • Ultimate tensile strength: 90 - 110 MPa

      • Elongation at break: 2.5 - 4.0%

      • Young's Modulus: 3800 - 4500 MPa

      • Glass Transition: 225 degrees Celsius

  • Dimension 1200es Module

  • Stratasys Fortus

    • "ABSplus - range of colors including ivory, white, black, dark gray, red, blue, olive green, nectarine and fluorescent yellow

    • ABS-M30 - Kept in stock. Ideal for concept models and moderate-requirement parts including functional prototypes, jigs, fixtures, manufacturing tooling and production parts. See the mechanical, thermal, chemical, and electrical properties. 

    • ABS-M30i - build functional prototypes, tooling and production parts that can be gamma or EtO sterilized. This engineering thermoplastic has good mechanical strength and complies with ISO 10993 and USP Class VI.

    • ABS-ESD7 - lets electronics manufacturers expand the use of 3D printing onto the assembly line. Static dissipation also makes the material ideal for applications in the presence of powders, dust and mist that might otherwise be attracted to a plastic part.

    • ASA - combines mechanical strength and UV stability (fade-resistant) with the best part aesthetics FDM technology has to offer. Build enduring prototypes to test fit, form and function – or produce practical production parts for outdoor use

    • PC-ISO in white and translucent - a strong, heat-resistant engineering plastic commonly used in food and drug packaging and medical device manufacturing. It is biocompatible, gamma and EtO sterilizable and complies with ISO 10993 and USP Class VI

    • PC - functional prototypes, tooling and end-use parts in a familiar, durable engineering material. PC’s high tensile and flexural strength make it ideal for demanding prototyping needs, tooling and fixtures, and patterns for metal bending and composite work.

    • FDM Nylon 12 - best Z-axis lamination and highest impact strength of any FDM thermoplastic, as well as excellent chemical resistance. (repetitive snap fits, custom production tooling, jigs & fixtures)"

  • Objet260 Connex​3 Printer Module

    • Photopolymer acrylic based resin (spray)​

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